Thursday 26 April 2012

Grade 8 Thesis: Why I Am Ready For High School

Grade 8 Thesis: Why I Am Ready For High School

Our teacher gave us a project to create a video showing why we are ready to graduate.  I chose to focus on the main topics such as my talents, volunteer efforts, work ethic, strengths/weaknesses and my goals for next year. I am both excited and nervous about going into high school.  I hope that you enjoy my video:) 

Monday 23 April 2012

free post: One direction

One direction is one of the new boys bands. they have a lot of songs . here are a few . One thing ,I wish ,What makes you beautiful. I love one direction . I listen to one dirction every day .  The thing I want to get OF one direction is everything of theirs including clothing , bookjs ,and tickets to Their concerts . The beand members names are Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. The boys all met when audtioning for the X factor and that was where they were put togther as a group and now they are a big group that teen girls love . They signed to Simon Cowell's record label Syco Records[1] after being formed and placing third in the seventh series of The X Factor.

Monday 30 January 2012

My life as a soundtrack

this link will take you to my glogster to show you a picture of some of the songs that are important to me and why. I hope you injoy reading why they are important to my and injoy listening to the songs.The songs that are on my glogster are songs  I love and injoy and who they remind my of . I hope you injoy!!!

Monday 16 January 2012


It was late that cold winter night when I got home its was about 10:30 .I was working late and I finally got to go home.When I got home I went straight to bed,  was all nice a cozy in my blanket that was when i noticed  my cat Bailey wasn't in her spot at the end of my bed. I was started looking through the house to see  if she fell  asleep somewhere else in the house but I couldn't find her. I put on my boots and coat then went looking around but I couldn't find her. I was so worried that the house keeper opened the door and let her out. I ran back to the house as fast as I could and grabbed her favourite kitty treats and went around shaking the bag hoping she would come out .I guess Bailey is not  going to come back I told my self so I started walking back  to my house but that was when I heard her  little meow I was really hoping it was i was jumping up and down when I heard the little sound . I tuned out to be a cat that looked just just like Bailey . I started to wonder if I was ever going to see Baily again. I walked into the house and took off my coat and boots and went up to bed noticing the spot where Bailey always slept . This was the first time I was gonna be alone without Bailey.I had hoped that maybe she was somewhere that I had missed so I went back and looked around the house .After I finally looked every where i could think of it was 11:50 and I finally said that Bailey was gone forever I went upstairs to my room to go to bed I checked under my bed hoping  she would be there . When I looked under the bed Ihad seen a black shape on the blanket so i pulled it out and I foound Bailey on it .I was so happy I picked her up gave her a big hug and climbed into bed and went to sleep with Bailey in the .

2011 in Review

2011 was a great year so many amazing things happened like The Royal wedding, or that Osama Bin Laden was killed.

One of the most memorable moments world wide was The Royal wedding where prince William married Catherine Middleton.The Royal wedding was really nice I wacthed it on TV and I thought that the decorations were really nice. Everything was very organised and it was very nice.The thing that I loved the most about the wedding was Catherine's wedding dress .

I loved the design of it and how it looked on her. The most memorial thing I thought that was great for Canada was that the soldiers have pulled out of Afghanistan.I find this to be the most memorable thing for Canada is it is great news for the soldiers family knowing that they will get to see their love ones really soon. Another reason I think this is memorable is because there are allot of family's that are scared that they may lose there loved ones to the war but now they wont have to worry anymore .

The most memorable thing that happened to me this year was that my little baby cousin Leanna was born. She is so adorable and I love her allot . The reason I think this is memorable to me is because I don't have allot of little cousins and Leanna is One of my little cousins that i would love to spend more time with her. The other reason I love her is because she is so adorable and she is loves playing peek a boo .I have the most fun playing with her when I get to see her I play with her whenever I see her only because I never get to see her .Leanna is such a cutie with her big ears and her adorable smile .

This year was amazing I made new friends ,I met new people ,I seen people I haven't seen in a long time.I wonder what will happen to me in 2012. What I hope will happen  is that I get to see more family and friends more often. I also hope that there will be no snow so  don't have to walk around in the cold weather.My other wish is that my family and cousins are safe and that none of them get hurt . I also wish that my little cousin Kendra was in my life again  .I just  wish that I could have meet Kendra before she left my life forever but I guess she is in a better place and she is not suffering anymore .

The only thing that I didn't like about 2011 was that my class had allot of drama . It was allot for me to handle and then finally i snapped i didn't wanna have it anymore. I started to be really stressed out and i was starting to think about moving schools but my friends told me that I shouldn't.I finally came around and I am not gonna move schools. If the drama happens  again I will probably go to my mom and say I have had enough and i want to go to another school . The only thing that will stop me from changing schools is my mom tell me no and my friends saying they don't want me to .. But I hope that if it does happen again that my mom will say yes.

This is what happened  to me in 2011 .I hope that 2011 will be better then my 2011 was .

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Inference 101

1. I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you.
Inference: The two-year-old probably did something gross to the food you were
about to eat, or has a cold and you could catch it. Something bad will
happen to you if you eat it because he "I wouldn't" sounds like a

2. For Valentine’s Day, my fantastic neighbor gave his wife a poem that took him
about two seconds to write. Sheesh.

Inference: My neighbor is not very considerate since he didn't take his time
writing the poem, the text clue that led me to this decision was the
"Sheesh". People usually say "Sheesh" when they are annoyed or

3. A man ran after a retreating bus, waving his briefcase frantically.
Inference:The mans car probably got stolen and he was trying to run and get it or
try to get peoples attention to stop the car.

4. If she died, I wouldn’t go to her funeral.
Inference:The person who said this was that she didn't like the person who died  or that
they were not really good friends.
5. Jake almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet
and grabbed his umbrella even though he would feel silly carrying it to the bus
stop on such a sunny morning.

Inference: Jake doesn't like to listen to his own thoughts he just listens to what the
radio says the weather is gonna be like.

6. Hey! What happened to all the school construction money taken from the
taxpayers? It paid for this toilet the money was flushed down.

Inference: somebody took the money that was going to the building of the school and all the money
was wasted.

7. As you give a speech in front of a large audience, you realize that people are
laughing behind their hands and pointing to the region below your waist.

Inference: that the person maybee forgot to wear something that they were suppose to
or they are laughing at a mistake the person maybe

8. No, Honey, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just
having you for a husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I’ll just drive my
old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy myself a little present. And
if the poor old car doesn't break down, I’ll be back soon.

Inference: The wife didn't want her husband to spend alot of money on her present
but she wanted one so she said she would go get herself a little present.

9. A woman walks into a hospital clutching her abdomen and cursing out her husband,
who trails behind her carrying a large bag.

Inference: That the lady's water broke and she is having her baby while her husband is carrying her
bags into the hospital.

10. You're driving on the highway, listening to the radio, and a police officer
pulls you over.

Inference: You were probably speeding  while we were listening to your music.

Photograph #1

My inference :I think this little girl is very sad about somthing that happend to her or how she is living is making her sad.

my inferince: The person has been working very hard on their work and is try to focus on gettint it done.

my inferince : this is very worried about somthing and she is bitting her nails.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Montreal Massacre

The Montreal Massacre is a shooting that happened at .There was a man walking the hallways saying " I want women". So he walked into this engineering class and separated the boys and girls. Then he told all the boys to leave the room .then he shot all 14 girls.The shotters name is Marc Lépine.

What I discovered about the  Montreal  Massacre was that there was one out of the fourteen that survived her name is Natalie Croteau.She had to have surgery on her leg because that is where she got shot and the she watched her friends funeral.when a reported was on the phone with her she said it was really hard to wacth it .the shooter killed the girls with a rifle.

The effects on the Massacre was it was a really sad day for the parents and friends of the people who died . It was also sad for the dad who was the one who found his daughter . For some people on the anniversary of this date is the 6th of december so for some people its a really sad day.The steps that need to be taken to adress on  the issue of violence is that people need to learn that killing people dosn't do them any good it just puts a really hard life on you and the family of the person you killed.