Friday 18 November 2011

Meet Somebody From Space

 Today my class got to go over to Q.E.C.V.I. and  see an astronaut talk about being in space. It was a great experience. He had  two slide shows and two videos and I loved them all. He showed allot of pictures of the stars in space, he showed what the earth looks like out in space. In the videos he showed us what it looks like when a space ship takes off, I loved seeing all the smoke coming from under the space ship. After he was done showing the last video there was a question and answer time and there were allot of very neat questions.  My friends and I went to ask if he could moon walk and he said no, then one of his sons said he cant juggle ether . I found that really funny . I learned allot of neat things about space and what its like to be out in space from a real person in space. The astronaut in the picture is the astronaut that came to Q.E.C.V.I. Then I added a picture of the Hubble telescope.

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